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Writer's pictureHannah

I am the solution.

My journey as a blogger starts here, with this beautiful and simple quote.   With the belief that I have been built with everything I need inside myself.  With the idea that all tools I need are within me, waiting to be unlocked and used when the time is right. 

When I was in my late teens my father wrote me a letter.  In it he talked about my strong sense of justice and injustice, of how I saw the world in black and white.  He quoted Ghandi and said – “Be the change you wish to see in the world”.  This stoked a fire that had already been kindled in me.  Since then I’ve learnt that justice isn’t always clear cut and I see so many murky shades of grey in between the black and white I was used to.  My desire to “be the change” has never dwindled.  I have felt the joy of making a difference and have chased after it. 

My dad missed out another Ghandi quote – “You can’t lead a true life without suffering.” After years of “being the change” I have learnt that it comes at a price.  You stand out, you are knocked down by those who can’t stand to see you being different, you get back up and it happens again.   Soon, that little voice inside you starts to natter, the inner critic, the poisonous parrot.  It says “you are the problem”, “everyone else is just fine, no one else gets this worked up”, “you are the problem”. 

I am not the only person who has burst, boldly on the scene eager to make a difference only to be stopped in their tracks by the poisonous parrot.  I hope I’m also not the first person to stand up to the parrot  and say “no – I am not the problem.  I am the solution.” 

I am fully equipped to be a strong and powerful changemaker.  I have everything I need to be able to face challenges and to stick with what I know Is right.  I am not the problem.  I am the solution.

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